10 Budget-Friendly, PTA/PTO Volunteer Thank-You Gifts

For those of you who have have to plan a PTA/PTO Induction ceremony you know its a tough job! Or maybe it is your first year as the planner and you are freaking out right about now! Let me ease some of your worry and offer some easy, cost effective, and ‘sweet’ ways to give…

Gluten-Free Blueberry Swirl, Sweet Corn Muffins

Thoughts of summer came creeping into my brain the other day and it’s what inspired these delicious muffins.

I was, specifically thinking of our lazy blueberry-picking days in the summer.

Gluten-Free Egg Noodles

“Make your own noodles” was a laughable phrase in my pre-gluten-free days. I admittedly, took for granted the ease in which pasta came and went from my life. Now, not so much. If I want pasta now I have to pay a premium for the gluten-free variety or settle for ‘spiralized’ veggies, which I love,…

10 MUST READS for your Next Book Club!

I am the youngest person in my book club…by far. I like it that way. I learn something new every time we meet. Not to mention I get to eat delicious home cooked food and drink great wine! This third Monday of every month has been a tradition for the past 16 years. This book…

Trader Joe’s: A Few of my Favorite Things! With Prices!

I am a self-proclaimed Trader Joe’s addict. The closest one to my house is about ten miles away (25 minute drive) so it’s not as accessible as I would like…but it keeps me from spending all of our money on cool grocery items.

Taco Meatloaf: Weekday Easy!

I took a pound of ground chicken (I like to keep my meatloaf a little healthier by using ground chicken or lean ground turkey) out in the morning with the plan to make meatloaf before we had to leave for the PTA event. However, I didn’t plan on the Mexican Meatloaf masterpiece my family devoured.

Do This For Your Kids!!!

I have been involved in PTA at my children’s school since my son was in kindergarten 5 years ago. The experience has opened my eyes to the level PTA advocates for children. How could you not become a member?

Amazing Asian-Inspired Aioli

I love having easy, but unique freezer appetizers handy for quick sides for weekday dinners. This week I bought Goya’s Fried Plantains.

Easy DIY Slime Table: 7th Birthday Party!!

My sweet little bundle of sass, silliness, and heart turned seven and it was the first year we didn’t have a theme. No Frozen No Dora No American Girl No Rock Star No Frozen Again No LOL Doll ….you get the idea… I was kind of paralyzed as to what to do & how to…