Trader Joe’s: A Few of my Favorite Things! With Prices!

I am a self-proclaimed Trader Joe’s addict. The closest one to my house is about ten miles away (25 minute drive) so it’s not as accessible as I would like…but it keeps me from spending all of our money on cool grocery items.

Trader Joe’s gets me every time with their sample station!!! My kids love it too…When they were younger they would ask to to go to ‘the sample store.’ They have since learned the name but continue to enjoy the samples.

I have gotten them to eat things I never would have thought based on what creative combos being whipped up at sample central. I’ll give you one guess what the sample was today. See below: my new favorite snack.

My kids have since ditched going to the grocery store with me, but when I mention going to Trader Joe’s they are still willing to tag along, for the samples, of course. Hey, I’ll take what I can get. The little grocery carts are a big seller too! Especially with my daughter.

I try to buy healthy, but we love our snacks too! I am gluten-free, so ALL of the items I buy fit the bill.

I tried to keep this list modest, but I could add, easily, 20 more items. EASY! I honestly cannot think of a single thing I wouldn’t buy at Trader Joe’s…maybe dog food…we don’t have a dog.

  1. Let’s start with dessert! These cupcakes are the bomb! I don’t care if you are gluten-free or eat a gluten-full diet. These cupcakes are just damn good!!! The frosting changes from time to time based on the season. I imagine they are pink today because Valentine’s Day just passed. They could make this frosting swamp green and I’d still shamelessly scarf down one of these before AND after dinner!
  2. My kids and I are kinda yogurt obsessed. We love it! Eat it every day. Sometimes twice a day. Of course I like the ‘expensive’ stuff (usually Greek), so they have followed suit. Trader Joe’s has some of the best tasting and best priced Greek yogurt around! We love the flavors too! Coconut and Mango are house MVP’s. The plain Greek is also excellent & priced for our budget! I love it for cooking or an after-dinner snack with honey, fruit, & sunflower seeds (also a Trader Joe’s favorite- not on this list).
  3. My daughter and I love mango ANYTHING! That’s why these dried mangos have made the top of our list! I always have these on hand. A quick sweet snack that you can feel good about!
  4. Also, in the dried fruit arena Trader Joe’s banana chips are the best (and $1.49)!!! Yes, I am a banana chip connoisseur. I know they are fried and nothing beats the real thing, but these banana chips are a great treat! If I’m feeling extra daring I’ll dunk them in almond or peanut butter (also found at Trader Joe’s).
  5. I cannot live without this stuff. If someone asked me something in my fridge I cannot live without. THIS! It’s pretty much the real thing with out all the headache. Sorry fresh ginger root, but sometimes you are just too much to deal with! I promise, if you buy this ONE time you will never buy ginger root again!
  6. I really don’t think you have experienced Trader Joe’s unless you have had their macaroni and cheese (also available in low fat, gluten free, and pizza). My kiddos still love the traditional.
  7. My husband eats a couple apples a day in his lunch and big box grocery stores want your first born for good apples. Robbery! Trader Joe’s sells a bag of ORGANIC apples! Did you hear, ORGANIC! For $2.99! You can’t beat that! Unless you have your own apple tree. So, eat up!
  1. Speaking of my husband, if I gave him a spoon and a jar of this he would not hesitate to eat it right out of the jar. Being a mustard fan myself I don’t judge this love. I just keep getting more.
  2. This stuff is a new found love at Trader Joe’s. I witnessed all the hype from other bloggers and had to finally try it for myself. Let me tell you the hype is truth! This little bottle adds the missing element to so many things: chicken salad, eggs, cream cheese on celery, burgers, salad, etc.
  3. I am a coconut junkie. I devour ANY type of coconut product. However, I love this product most because it’s organic and not filled with sugar. I like it just like this, out of the bag, but also roast it for desserts, oatmeal, salads, or to add to Thai dishes.
  4. I just went to Trader Joe’s yesterday and my son has eaten half the bag of these. He would’ve eaten the entire bag if I let him. You can see from the picture my son isn’t the only fan. The shelf was almost empty when I got this shot.
  5. We have breakfast for dinner more than we have breakfast for breakfast and when we do these chicken sausage links are usually on the menu. There are 4 people in my family and after dinner there are about 2 of these left. You can do that sausage math!
  6. My husband loves fizzy drinks. He kicked the diet soda habit a few years ago and now can’t stand to drink anything with sugar substitutes in them. Thank you Trader Joe’s for providing low sugar or no sugar options with new exciting flavors! The coconut water with yuzu is his favorite.
  7. Last but not least I can’t blog about Trader Joe’s and not mention the flowers. My daughter is the green thumb in our family and these $1.99 little pots are always a special treat when she comes with me. The grandmas and aunts in our family have also been recipients of the lovely seasonal plants!

I hope the next time you make a trip to Trader Joe’s you will pick something up on this list. You won’t be disappointed. And if you have never been to Trader Joe’s google the nearest location and plan a trip immediately!

Happy Shopping,


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